Now that the root balls and main stems have been pried out of the ground, and disposed of in a secure manner, it is time to turn your attention towards the remaining plant material that piles up everywhere during the trimming process. Once the buds are completely trimmed, and have been hung up to dry, the guerilla grower must begin a thorough clean up operation of the location where the plants were manicured.
When you are trimming a large crop, while at the same time sampling your product, it is very easy to lose track of the multitude of stems, leaves, and small buds, that are piled off to the side during the trimming process. When cutting up a very large harvest, time is of the essence. The grower who takes his/her time during the trimming procedure risks rotted, or moldy, buds. When you are cutting up a very large crop, the remaining stems and leaves (at least in my case) end up tied in bundles, and stuffed into paper bags, so that they can be easily burned later. During the frantic trimming process, where a single person, or a couple of trimmers, must process ten or twenty pounds of high quality marijuana in a weeks time, it is very easy to "stack and pack" all of this plant waste into any corner of the basement, garage, garden shed, or even the back patio, where it is quickly forgotten because there are much more important things to do. Oftentimes, long-forgotten bags, and bundles, can be found, five or six months after the trimming chores are done, stashed in a corner, or under the stairs.
Never forget this, just like a main stem that is left in the ground after harvesting, these plant materials can be used by law enforcement as evidence that you have produced the devils plant, AKA marijuana. Even though stems and fan leaves are not smoke-able, they are still part of the cannabis plant, and are illegal to possess under state and federal law. In the 1980's, a friend of mine, from Westmont, Illinois, was charged by the police with possession of 2 pounds of marijuana. The "marijuana" that he was in possession of consisted of a 5-gallon, glass water bottle, filled halfway to the top with old seeds!
After all of the harvest chores are finished, do a careful survey of your trimming house, checking every nook and cranny for any of these "leftovers". By this time, the leaves and the stems should be dry enough to burn easily. Throw them on your fire pile, or in your patio fireplace, and burn them thoroughly. I like to burn all of this stuff during a late night session, while smoking a giant blunt filled with some dried and cured product from the prior years harvest. Never place cut stems, or leaf material, into a plastic garbage bag, and dispose of them in the trash. The cut ends of the stems will easily poke through the thin plastic garbage bags. Most people these days, including your garbage man, know what a marijuana stem looks like, and some of them will call the police if they see this stuff in your garbage. Any judge in the country will issue a search warrant based on this evidence, and, if your final product is inside your house drying and curing, you will have a very large legal problem on your hands!
During the actual trimming process, keep a sharp knife on hand (be careful), and use it to to scrape, and collect, the resin that collects on the trimming blades. Keep this stuff for smoking is a high quality hashish consisting of almost pure resin glands. Yummy!
After the trimming chore is over, and all waste is properly disposed of, it is time to turn your attention to cleaning, and maintaining, your trimming tools. Scissors, both manual and electric, end up covered with gooey, sticky, resin glands, during the manicuring process. In order to remove the collected resin, wipe down the blades with rubbing alcohol, and a soft cloth. After the blades are clean, use a a scissor sharpener to put a sharp edge on the blades. Then, wipe them down with a cloth soaked in sewing machine oil, or a wd-40 type product. Do not use salad or vegetable oils, because these contain water, which will promote rusty tools. After the tools are oiled, wrap them in an oil coated rag, just like you would store a handgun. Place the wrapped tools in a toolbox, or a drawer for use next season.
If you use electric trimming scissors, like the $300 to $500 Testarossa, or Bonsai, electric cutters, disassemble and inspect them for damage. Make sure that all of the interior parts are in good condition and are undamaged. Oil all of these interior parts thoroughly, using oil that is recommended by the manufacturer. Again, do not use salad oil, because it contains water and will promote rust. Never disassemble the electric motors, or the power supplies, because this will void the manufacturers warranty. If the blades are dull, they can be removed and sent to the dealer, or the manufacturer, for sharpening.
Since the trimming/manicure process usually involves "sampling" a multitude of your recently harvested marijuana, most guerilla growers become too lazy at this time of year to get these cleanup chores done. They figure that they successfully got through the growing season without being caught, so they reason that they are safe, even with piles of plant materials (evidence) lying around all over the place. Please do not fall into this frame of mind! Anything can happen at any time...a small fire at your place, a break in by a thief, or even accidentally dialing 911, and the shit will hit the fan, hard and fast! Hell, the other night one of our neighbors had his house searched because an escaped criminal, who was being chased by police helicopters for hours and hours, was tracked to their property. You never know what kind of crazy stuff could happen, at any time! I know that it seems like I am taking all of the "fun" out of growing weed, but these chores have got to be done, as fast as possible. This is F**KING reality!!! I am not trying to scare you, I am trying to smarten you up. Why risk a felony charge on something as stupid as leftover stems in your garage, or leaves in your garbage? If you do want to scare yourself into action, call a defense lawyer and ask him what he will want (up front) to defend you on a drug felony....or go look at court records and learn that child molesters usually get a lower bail than marijuana growers do! This means that if you do not have $10,000 cash lying around to cover 10% of your $100,000 bail, you could end up doing 30-60 days in a concrete room, with a bunch of fine fellows, just for being arrested...and who knows how long if a conviction comes into play!
After all of the harvest chores are finished, do a careful survey of your trimming house, checking every nook and cranny for any of these "leftovers". By this time, the leaves and the stems should be dry enough to burn easily. Throw them on your fire pile, or in your patio fireplace, and burn them thoroughly. I like to burn all of this stuff during a late night session, while smoking a giant blunt filled with some dried and cured product from the prior years harvest. Never place cut stems, or leaf material, into a plastic garbage bag, and dispose of them in the trash. The cut ends of the stems will easily poke through the thin plastic garbage bags. Most people these days, including your garbage man, know what a marijuana stem looks like, and some of them will call the police if they see this stuff in your garbage. Any judge in the country will issue a search warrant based on this evidence, and, if your final product is inside your house drying and curing, you will have a very large legal problem on your hands!
During the actual trimming process, keep a sharp knife on hand (be careful), and use it to to scrape, and collect, the resin that collects on the trimming blades. Keep this stuff for smoking is a high quality hashish consisting of almost pure resin glands. Yummy!
After the trimming chore is over, and all waste is properly disposed of, it is time to turn your attention to cleaning, and maintaining, your trimming tools. Scissors, both manual and electric, end up covered with gooey, sticky, resin glands, during the manicuring process. In order to remove the collected resin, wipe down the blades with rubbing alcohol, and a soft cloth. After the blades are clean, use a a scissor sharpener to put a sharp edge on the blades. Then, wipe them down with a cloth soaked in sewing machine oil, or a wd-40 type product. Do not use salad or vegetable oils, because these contain water, which will promote rusty tools. After the tools are oiled, wrap them in an oil coated rag, just like you would store a handgun. Place the wrapped tools in a toolbox, or a drawer for use next season.
If you use electric trimming scissors, like the $300 to $500 Testarossa, or Bonsai, electric cutters, disassemble and inspect them for damage. Make sure that all of the interior parts are in good condition and are undamaged. Oil all of these interior parts thoroughly, using oil that is recommended by the manufacturer. Again, do not use salad oil, because it contains water and will promote rust. Never disassemble the electric motors, or the power supplies, because this will void the manufacturers warranty. If the blades are dull, they can be removed and sent to the dealer, or the manufacturer, for sharpening.
Since the trimming/manicure process usually involves "sampling" a multitude of your recently harvested marijuana, most guerilla growers become too lazy at this time of year to get these cleanup chores done. They figure that they successfully got through the growing season without being caught, so they reason that they are safe, even with piles of plant materials (evidence) lying around all over the place. Please do not fall into this frame of mind! Anything can happen at any time...a small fire at your place, a break in by a thief, or even accidentally dialing 911, and the shit will hit the fan, hard and fast! Hell, the other night one of our neighbors had his house searched because an escaped criminal, who was being chased by police helicopters for hours and hours, was tracked to their property. You never know what kind of crazy stuff could happen, at any time! I know that it seems like I am taking all of the "fun" out of growing weed, but these chores have got to be done, as fast as possible. This is F**KING reality!!! I am not trying to scare you, I am trying to smarten you up. Why risk a felony charge on something as stupid as leftover stems in your garage, or leaves in your garbage? If you do want to scare yourself into action, call a defense lawyer and ask him what he will want (up front) to defend you on a drug felony....or go look at court records and learn that child molesters usually get a lower bail than marijuana growers do! This means that if you do not have $10,000 cash lying around to cover 10% of your $100,000 bail, you could end up doing 30-60 days in a concrete room, with a bunch of fine fellows, just for being arrested...and who knows how long if a conviction comes into play!
My book "Guerilla Growing Trade Secrets: Hints Kinks and Tips for the Clandestine Cannabis Grower" is based on this premise. The book gives the "budding" cannabis grower hints and tips on the actual mechanics of growing the marijuana plant....not just the general guidelines found in all of the other picture books out there! 8.5 x 11 inches and almost 400 pages in is a virtual thesis paper on the art of outdoor marijuana growing....this book walks you through the mechanics of successfully harvesting an outdoor, bin-busting, guerilla crop. Check out the table of contents from this book:
Insider secrets and techniques from the people out there actually doing the growing!
Containing within its text hundreds and hundreds of ideas, tactics, techniques, and true accounts
of successful guerilla growing operations from over the past couple of decades
Vinnie Kaz
Introduction ............................................................................................ I
How To Use This Book …........................................................................ V
1 Preseason Preparations...................................................01
2 Selecting A Potential Grow Site......................................12
3 Soil Testing And pH Adjustment.....................................23
4 Hybrids......................................................................... 29
5 Seedlings vs. Clones...................................................... 31
6 Seed Germination.......................................................... 35
7 Sexing And PreFlowering.............................................. 42
8 Fertilizers: Chemical vs. Organics................................... 45
9 Compost and Compost Teas........................................ 74
10 Foliar Feeding and Gadgets.......................................... 83
11 Hardening Off.............................................................. 95
12 Transplanting: Techniques and Potions.......................... 98
13 Soil and Grow Mixes..................................................101
14 Camouflage and Grow Holes......................................121
15 Mulching....................................................................131
16 Grow Bags and Containers........................................ 135
17 Trails and Grow Locations......................................... 145
18 Deer Rats…and Other Pests.......................................152
19 Water Collection And Storage................................... 181
20 Pruning Trimming Bending...........................................214
21 Weather Damage Weather Repairs..............................228
22 Know Thine Opponent............................................... 236
23 Airplanes Helicopters Satellites Surveillance................. 242
24 Security Devices…Cameras, Detectors….................. 257
25 Flushing Finishing Taste.............................................. 274
26 Frosts And Freezing................................................... 281
27 Harvest Timing........................................................... 284
28 Yields........................................................................ 290
29 Curing Techniques..................................................... 299
30 Pushing The Plant....................................................... 305
31 Multi-Cropping: Small Plants Short Season................. 312
32 Cornfield Growing...................................................... 321
33 Swamp Growing.........................................................333
34 How To Grow A Five Pound Plant............................ 349
Order your copy of Guerilla Growing Trade Secrets here
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